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The world of the mask

From April 9 to June 6

IMPORTANT : The "Le monde du masque" festival will be available online only.

The shows are recorded at Mandapa and then published on the site on the day of the recording. They will remain accessible until the end of the festival, for the single price of € 9, to be paid when playing the show of your choice.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

The "World of the Mask" will participate in the Festival "Masq'alors!" from Quebec from May 29 to April 6.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

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In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.


Le tour du masque en 15 personnages

par Anna Cottis                                       Démonstration Commedia Dell'Arte

Polichinelle, Arlequin, Colombine et les autres : un voyage pour rencontrer tous ces personnages hauts en couleurs et découvrir leur urgence de vivre. Le guide est la « maestra » de la Commedia Dell’Arte, Anna Cottis, qui essaie tant bien que mal de contenir leur énergie irrépressible !


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"You must not keep the night in you"

By Claude Jamain Théatre Noh and Neutral Mask

Based on the Kindertotenlieder argument (text by F. Rückert), in a deeply poetic masked game, Claude Jamain translates the interior phases of mourning in a distanced manner from Noh theater.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

This show is also composed of a variation on "neutral masks": humanoid mask (Lecoq), stockings or wet cloth, with absolutely white circle (Matho), oriental ritual mask, and other forms….

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Online from April 30


The epic of Gilgamesh, text by Abed Azrié

Creation of Xénos Théâtre de Masques Théâtre masqué

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The first versions of this epic tale date from the 18th century… before our era. The show consists of a succession of scenes. They recreate the confrontations of the king of Uruk with the gods, with animal powers and those of nature, and finally with himself in his quest for immortality. Little spoken text, improvised music, it is silence, the dense and intense sobriety of the masked play that dominates.

Online from April 26


Javanese Mask Dances, "the story of Panji"

By Cie Pantcha Indra                                                     

Dancers: Kadek Puspasari, Ary Drean

Solo instrument: Christophe Moure

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The drunken mantle

By Cie Les Petits Chantiers Familial, from 5 years old

Or how am I nose? Take a pinch of clown, a dose of imagination, an oversized coat, a pair of red shoes, add a little chair, a red thread and a piccolo and rock it all!

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

Spleen is dreamy and shy. She is afraid to speak out loud but loves to tell stories with her big coat. Accompanied by her piccolo, she transports us to her imagination of tales of wisdom.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.



En chair et en masques

Par Cie Les Petits Chantiers                                                  Familial, dès 6 ans


C’est l’histoire de 3 masques, 3 figures inspirées de La Boîte de Pandore, liées par le souvenir et transposées dans le monde d’aujourd’hui. « Le masque permet une métamorphose immédiate, Le masque ne vit que si on le fait vivre, Le masque est une source de jeu inépuisable » C.B.

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