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World music

2020-2021 season

The world music concerts will be available online until the end of June.

In addition to this, you will need to know more about it.

They are registered with Mandapa and then published on the site. They will remain accessible until the end of the season, for the single price of € 9, payable when reading the story of your choice.


Albania and Sufi music

By Enris Qinami  

Enris sings in Albanian a poetry of Sufi inspiration, with Mediterranean and Central Asian influences accompanied by an Albanian plucked string lute, the "Sharki". This music with Persian, Ottoman and Arab hues, long since fallen into disuse, recounts both love and the sacred, and was once sung in the bazaars of the Balkans.

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Online from April 29

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Vietnam Music

By Hô Thuy Trang  

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In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

Online from April 29

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Persian traditional music

By Hassan Tabar, Santur

Masoud Jahed, Ney  

Trained in Iran and France, Doctor in musicology, Hassan Tabar has published 5 albums and a book, Le Santur persan.

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The three birds

By Dania El Zein, Marie-Claude Bottius and Elen Hervochon Lyric concert

Who has not compared the voice of the soprano to the song of the bird?

Who has not seen in the shape of the harp that of the wings of this fragile and aerial animal?

The bird is a very recurrent theme in lyric song. All these specificities, which have become complementary when combined, have enabled the artists to constitute a solid and coherent repertoire on this unifying and universal theme. Thus, the three free and voluntary birds soar and offer you an unforgettable journey through time and space.

Based on the works of Mozart, Rossini, De Falla, Santoro, Ravel, Delibes, Mendelssohn, Schubert.

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Music from Armenia

by Anouch Krikorian

Anouch has a pronounced taste for old intervals, modal and monodic music, which thrives in the intimacy of the moment and performs solo traditional, monodic and unharmed music. The kamantcha, a bowed fiddle also played in Iran, was the instrument of choice for the troubadours of the Caucasus, Sayat Nova (poet of the 18th century) described the beauty and the healing virtues of its sounds. Show postponed from the 2019-2020 season

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Videos musiques

N'hésitez pas à nous faire part de vos impressions :

This channel is coming soon!

Remerciements à la Médiathèque Hector Berlioz, et au Conservatoire de Paris pour leur aimable autorisation.

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The Mandapa, a small stage on the Bièvre

6 rue Wurtz, 75013 Paris

Phone: 01 45 89 99 00



Monday to Friday - 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.

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Theater :

Depending on the schedule.

In addition to this, you need to know more about it.

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